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Recruiting new team member

If you have ever undertaken the job of looking for new staff for your small business, you will know intimately how costly, stressful and exhausting the entire process can be. As accountants supporting small businesses, we understand the cost of engaging a recruiter can scare off owners; however, with your need for staff rising, now more than ever is the best time to invest in the help of a recruiter. We outline how a recruiter is essential to saving you time, resources and the headaches of finding the right staff.

Speed up the process

Finding your next team member isn’t a quick process. From creating the perfect job description, finding the best places to advertise the position, filtering through the likely hundreds of candidates to create a shortlist, and addressing questions from applicants can prove to be a very lengthy process. Most employers underestimate the time required to complete the entire recruitment process from start to finish, with recruiters freeing up the majority of the time required.

Access to resources

Recruiters are armed with a wide variety of resources to speed up the recruitment process and find the perfect candidate for your business. These include previous candidates they have on file, technology to filter through resumes and cover letters, and the best platforms to advertise the position on, some of which most employers aren’t even aware exist. These resources are often only accessible to professional recruiters, and, despite your best efforts to replicate the role of a recruiter, you won’t be able to use them yourself.

The perfect job advertisement

If you have ever come across a job advertisement, you will notice how detailed the copy is and how the ad is formatted to highlight specific information. This style of job advertisement has been curated specifically to attract the right candidate, and a recruiter knows intimately how the right job ad looks for the needs of your role.

Save your resources

If you decide to take on your recruitment entirely on your own, it is essential to understand how much of your resources, time, and staff it requires to complete the process. From the hours combing through resumes to scheduling interviews and then completing the interview steps, your recruitment will demand much of your indispensable resources. A recruiter does the leg work for you and allows you to run your business as usual, saving you wages, time and energy.